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Your child is being bullied at school, you dont know how to fix the situation?
Do you want to understand why bullying occurs, how to resist it?
They tell you that your child is an abuser, what to do?
What should be done to prevent bullying, how not to let it develop?


You will learn about the varieties of bullying at school.
You will understand what causes bullying and how to prevent it.
You will find out who the bullying participants are, you will understand their psychology.
You will understand what the consequences of bullying can be.
You will learn how to prevent bullying at the very initial stage.





Pokrovskaya Svetlana

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Neuro and Pathopsychology of MSUPE,
Practicing specialist in the field of child and adolescent psychology, psychotherapy, psychocorrection and neuropsychology,
Experience of scientific and pedagogical work - 30 years.

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