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Why and how should parents support a childs learning motivation?


Are you afraid of the modern strengthening of the requirements for the childs personality?
Do you want to learn how to increase the motivation of children to study?
Do you want to understand how to predict learning and the future in a changing world?
Are you thinking about how to motivate your children to succeed?


You will understand what skills children need in the XXI century.
You will understand that investing in the development of a child is the best investment.
You will find out which of your attitudes can negatively affect to learning motivation.
You will understand how to teach children to learn and what can be learned from children.
You will learn the mistakes of parents in education, their consequences and overcoming.





Berikhanova Ayman

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Abai KazNPU,
Director of the Public Academy of Pedagogical Skills.
She is the author of more than 200 scientific and pedagogical works, including monographs, textbooks Pedagogy , Introduction to the pedagogical profession and others.
Her pedagogical experience - 30 years.

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